Asian Leadership Speaker Series: Getting Started in Entry Level
We often see Asians and other minorities plentiful at the entry-level within agencies, but upward momentum is stunted, in this series we want to give helpful advice and tips from Asian industry leaders. Our first Asians in Advertising Leadership Speaker Series kicked off with a virtual panel, “Getting Started in Entry Level” featuring career advice for those getting in and for the first 5 years.
Vignesh Seshadri - Associate Creative Director at W+K
Eric Hu - Strategy Director at AKQA
Natalie Kim - Founder of We Are Next
Josh Huang - HR Creative Recruitment at David&Goliath
• Jessalin Lam - Director, Precision Marketing Academy, Nissan United & Co-Founder Asians in Advertising
Bernice Chao - Creative Director at R/GA & Co-Founder Asians in Advertising Moderator
Thank you to our Asians in Advertising community member, Martina Yee, who attended the event and captured the below takeaways (click here for her post)
Key Takeaways
💡 Imposter syndrome: everyone has it. "Treat the feeling as a signal telling you you're about to learn something and grow."
💡 We might have very high expectations for ourselves and strive for perfection, even when participating in meetings or sharing ideas. Instead, let's try to be forgiving and kinder to ourselves. "Contribute to the energy not the idea of perfection."
💡 Don't be afraid to speak up and participate. You're there because you provide value.
💡 Doesn't matter what industry you're in... NETWORK!
Watch the recorded session on Asians in Advertising YouTube Channel here or embedded below.