Unlocking Potential: My Journey with the Future Asian Leaders Scholarship by James Katalbas

The Asians In Advertising Future Asian Leaders Scholarship provided a unique opportunity to discover and amplify our leadership potential. For me, it meant embarking on a path of doing more public speaking, while others took their own inspiring journeys, from writing LinkedIn articles to making a significant impact in their agencies. It's all about unleashing our potential in the workplace.

The Scholarship Overview:

The Asians in Advertising (AIA) team proudly launched the 2023 Future Asian Leaders Scholarship program. It opened doors for 30 talented Asian leaders, guiding us through a 6-week program led by life coach Nicole Cruz. This transformative experience aimed to empower participants, helping us overcome the challenges of middle management and step into leadership roles. The program was a global opportunity for professionals with 5 to 10 years of experience and took place from August 23 to September 27, 2023, with two-hour sessions every two weeks.

The Scholarship Experience:

Being a scholarship recipient was nothing short of transformational.

The program offered engaging sessions, mentorship opportunities, and a treasure trove of resources to fuel our personal and professional growth. But one aspect that stood out and felt particularly valuable was the coaching we received. It was like therapy but from someone who understood our cultural background. This personalized guidance helped us tap into our roots and leverage our heritage to our advantage.

Our coach guided us on a profound journey of self-discovery, encouraging us to search deep inside ourselves. It was through these sessions that we learned how to unlock our potential and overcome the obstacles that held us back. The coaching was more than just advice; it was a helping hand to remove the roadblocks and fears that often hinder personal and professional growth.

These experiences broadened my perspective on leadership and personal development, propelling me forward on my path to becoming a more visible leader. The coaching was a cornerstone in this transformative journey, helping us connect with our cultural identity and empowering us to be our best selves.

Lessons Learned:

The scholarship was an incredible learning journey. It taught us the power of holistic goal-setting, the art of visualizing our future leadership selves, and the value of deep-rooted Asian heritage. We embraced our history and used it as a stepping stone to a brighter future. Along the way, we learned to conquer fear and developed tools to overcome it. One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey is the opportunity to give back. I'm committed to mentoring and supporting the next generation of aspiring leaders in advertising. By sharing our experiences and insights, we ensure that others can navigate their own paths with confidence and success.


This journey has been a remarkable one, and I'm filled with gratitude for the scholarship program and the incredible support it offered. It's not just a personal achievement but a testament to the limitless potential for growth in the professional world. I hope my experience serves as a beacon of hope for all those looking to explore their leadership potential. I invite you to connect with me. Let's continue this conversation, share your own experiences, or ask any questions about similar leadership programs. Together, we can embark on journeys of growth and empowerment.

I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to the Asians in Advertising Future Asian Leaders Scholarship program, the dedicated organizers Bernice Chao ✨, Jessalin Lam (林 子 明), Senna Bayasgalan , our coach Nicole Cruz , and every individual who contributed to this incredible journey. Your support has been the guiding light that has illuminated our path, leading us to brighter horizons.


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